Mojee expresses a deep longing for God’s presence every time she worships. The depth of God remains her unavoidable gaze and focus. Started out then in school days singing in the church choir, she now builds a music ministry on what is in itself a lifestyle – worshipping and lifting up Jesus through her voice. Her Latest Body of work is an 8 track album titled "Follow Jesus" featuring acts like Segun, Mary Akano, Brenda Joseph and much More. Follow Jesus is a testament to Mojee deep spiritual awakening and her growth in the gospel music industry. Here is the full length lyrics from one of the single on the album Follow Jesus Titled "Show Up".
SHOW UP For the battered living in fear The abused one with no where to run For dem one in need of a friend Show up Lord The apparent barren with empty arms The single parent doing all alone To the lonely in heart and life Show up Please To the child with a broken home To that child without her pa Be a Dad that she so longs for Be a Husband to his Ma, For those held down with no way out For dem on their sick bed in pain For those who have been written off With suicide on their mind Show up Lord!! Theres is much more than all these pain So much more than the suffering Light comes in and the darkness fades Healing after all the hurt His mighty hand is here to save With deliverance and restoration By the Power that raised Jesus We are more than conquerors For those held down with no way out For dem on their sick bed in pain For those who have been written of With suicide on their minds The name of the Lord is a strong Tower The righteous runneth into it and they are safe At the mention of the name of Jesus (Jesus) Sickness bow(Jesus) Demons tremble (Jesus) Mountains Crumble (@the name of (Jesus) Every knee shall bow And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Joy for the Joyless Hope for the Hopeless Strength for the weary Peace in our storm Show up Lord In your Mightiness Show up Lord With Your awesome power King of all, bring deliverance Set us free.. Show up Lord In your Mightiness Set us free with your awesome power Let Your hand bring deliverance Give us Liberty..